G Patterns |
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Gaiety EST After 1966 through the 1970s Cup Shape: Gainsborough, Shelley
Series of Six, Charm, Gaiety, Radiance, Rapture, Romance, and Serenity |
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Gaiety EST 1950s Cup Shape: Smooth Series of Six Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Yellow, and Purple |
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Gaiety Series EST 1970s to 1980s Description: Floral Bouquet and different colored bands Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Gavotte, Minuet, Tango, Two Step, Valeta, and Waltz |
To See the whole Series |
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Gainsborough 2006 to 2007 Description: "Gainsborough is a rich shade of creamy white, adorned with simple swirls around the decoratively-shaped edges. It’s simply elegant – and, at the same time, elegantly simple." Cup Shape: Gainsborough |
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Garden Party Series EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Autumn Sunshine, Blue Bouquet, Gay Day, Pink Surprise, Spring Song, and Summer Skies |
To see the whole Series |
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Garland Series EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Adoration, Elegance, Exquisite, Fascination, Radiance, and Sensation |
To see the whole Series |
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Gavotte EST 1970s to 1980s Description: Yellow Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Gavotte, Minuet, Tango, Two Step, Valeta, and Waltz |
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Gay Day EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Autumn Sunshine, Blue Bouquet, Gay Day, Pink Surprise, Spring Song, and Summer Skies |
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Gay Time 1970s Cup Shape: Montrose Set of Six: Camilla, Champane, Elegance, Gay Time, Tavistock, Village Garden |
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Gem Crown Only Stamp - Pre-1905 Cup Shape: Countess, Hampton and Malvern |
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Gemini 1987 to 1991 Description: Happy, Charming, Adaaptable, Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of 12, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Virgo |
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Georgina EST 1927 - 1935 Description: Yellow, Pink and Blue Flowers, Gold Trim, Cream Colored Band Cup Shape: Avon |
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Georgina Crown China Stamp 1927 - 1935 Cup Shape: Avon, Doris, Hampton, and Malvern |
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Gladiola EST 1927 - 1935 Description: Gold and Pink Design, Gold trim Cup Shape: Doris, Countess |
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Gladiola EST 1927 - 1935 Description: Imari style, Rust and Cobalt Blue Design, Gold trim Cup Shape: Doris, Smooth |
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Gladiolus 1950 to 1970s Cup Shape: Hampton,Countess, Lyric Series of 12: Carnation,
Chrysanthemum, Cosmos, Daffodil, Gladiolus, Hawthorn,
Larkspur, Morning Glory, Narcissus, Primrose, Sweet Pea, |
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Glamis EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six: Alton, Balmoral, Chatsworth, Glamis, Harewood, and Trentha |
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Gloria Crown China Stamp 1930s Colors: Black, Blue, Green, White Cup Shape: Hampton, Malvern |
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Gold Crest Series EST 1960s to 1970s Cup Shape: Avon Series of Six, Different Floral Designs, Heavy Brushed Gold Trim |
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Gold Damask 2002 - 2002 -- Limited Run Items Cup Shape: Malvern Classic Vollection V, Gold Damask, Green Chintz. Green Damask, Pink Chintz, Ribbon Collection, Ruby Damask, and Yellow Rose Bud |
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Golden Charm 1988 Cup Shape: Gainsborough Series of Six, Blue Charm, Coral Charm, Golden Charm, Lilac Charm, Peach Charm, and Pink Charm |
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Golden Jubilee 2001 To Commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1951-2002 Cup Shape: Gainsborough |
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Golden Pearl Introduced: 2006 - 2008 |
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Golden Rain EST 1950s Cup Shape: Smooth |
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Golden Rapture EST 1950s Cup Shape: Smooth |
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Golden Rose - 1960 2007 - Currently still in production The 1960's saw many changes in fashion and music and Beatlemania spread from Britain across the World. The end of the decade saw the first man land on the moon. In 1962 the world famous pattern, Old Country Roses was introduced. As with many popular designs, the pattern itself was used in many different guises. Golden Roses uses the rose design decorated in gold onto a pink background. Cup Shape:Malvern |
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Golden Rose 1964 Description: Gold Roses, Gold Trim Cup Shape: Montrose |
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Goldfinch 1980 - 1987 Description: Goldfinch Bird and Gold Trim Cup Shape: Montrose Series of Six, Baltimore Oriole, Blue Jay, Goldfinch, Humming Bird, Redwing, and Robin |
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Golf EST: 1950s - 1960s Artist: Auther Ferrier Cup Shape: Fluted Countess and Hampton Series of Six: Golf, Fishing, Bathing, Skating, Yachting, and Domestic Bliss Other Auther Ferrier Patterns: A Man's Cup, Alley Bowls, Bathing, Bowls, Curling, Domestic Bliss, Fishing, For a Good Sport, Golf, Ladies Alley Bowls, Ladies Curling, Ladies Lawn Bowls, Skating, Tennis, The Lobster , Yachting |
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Gooseberry 1994 to 2004 Cup Shape: Montrose Series of 12, Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Damson, Grapefruit, Grapes, Gooseberry, Lemons, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plum |
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Gossamer EST 1960s to 1970s Description: all white, no trim Cup Shape: Victoria |
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Gossamer Brown Backstamp - EST 1950s Cup Shape: Coffee Can, Countess, Lyric, Lyric Mug, Smooth Series of Six, Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Yellow, and Orange |
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Graceful Flower 2010 - one year run Cup Shape: Mug Series of Four: Blue Breeze, Lemon Chiffon, Mint Julep, Petal Pink |
To See the whole Series |
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Grandmother EST 1970s Cup Shape: Malvern, Montrose |
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Grapefruit 1994 to 2004 Cup Shape: Montrose Series of 12, Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Damson, Grapefruit, Grapes, Gooseberry, Lemons, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plums |
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Grape 2006 to 2008 Cup Shape: Malvern Series of Four, Blush, Peach, Lilac and Grape |
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Grapes 1994 to 2004 Cup Shape: Montrose Series of 12, Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Damson, Grapefruit, Grapes, Gooseberry, Lemons, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plums |
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Grape Bouquet EST after 1962 to 1980s Cup Shape: Montrose Set of Four: Cherry Bouquet, Grape Bouquet, Raspberry Bouquet, and Strawberry Bouquet |
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Graphica 1986 to 1992 Cup Shape: Horizon Series of 13: Aurora, Dorian, Enigima, Fantasia, Graphica, Halcyon, Patio, Platino, Profile, Remembrance, Star Flower, Tiara, and Vista |
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Grasmere EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Montrose Set of Six: Coniston, Derwent,
Grasmere, Keswick, Ullswater,
and Windermere |
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Grasmere EST after 1962 to 1980s Cup Shape: Montrose Series of Six, Buttermere, Derwent Water, Grasmere, Thirlmere, Ullswater, and Windermere |
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Grass Widow? EST 1950s Cup Shape: Fluted Countess and Hapmton Other Auther Ferrier: A Man's Cup, Alley Bowls, Bathing, Bowls, Curling, Domestic Bliss, Fishing, For a Good Sport, Golf, Ladies Alley Bowel, Ladies Curling, Lawn Bowls, Skating, Tennis, The Lobster , Yachting |
Series of Six, Bathing, Domestic Bliss, Fishing, Golf , Skating, and Yachting Both Black & White and Color Versions |
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Greek Key Crown China Stamp EST 1925 to 1930s Description: Black and Green Ky on Gold Band, Gold Trim Cup Shape: " Circle Handle" and Smooth |
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Green Chintz 2002 - 2002 -- Limited Run Items Cup Shape: Malvern Classic Vollection V, Gold Damask, Green Chintz. Green Damask, Pink Chintz, Ribbon Collection, Ruby Damask, and Yellow Rose Bud |
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Green Damask 2002- 2002 -- Limited Run Items Cup Shape: Malvern Classic Vollection V, Gold Damask, Green Chintz. Green Damask, Pink Chintz, Ribbon Collection, Ruby Damask, and Yellow Rose Bud |
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Green Damask EST After 1966 through the 1970s Cup Shape: Countess, Montrose and Shelley Set of Six: Blue Taffeta, Green Damask, Grey Chiffon, Pink Brocade, Shot Silk, and Yellow Satin |
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Green Park Series EST 1960s to 1970s Cup Shape: Chelsea Shape Series of Six: Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Pink, and Turquoise |
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Green Velvet 1982 Cup Shape: Gainsborough , Mug Series of Six, Blue Gown, Green Velvet, Orange Taffeta, Pink Brocade, Purple Lace, and Yellow Ribbon |
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Greensleeves EST 1960s to 1970s Description: Blue floral or Green Floral Cup Shape: Avon, Gainsborough, Smooth |
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Greenways Crown Backstamp Cup Shape: Countess, Hampton, Malvern Hand Written Nº 2577 |
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Greenwood Tree Crown stamp EST 1927 to 1935 Mauve, Green or Gold Trim Cup Shape: Art Deco, Countess, Doris, Hampton |
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Grey Chiffon EST After 1966 through the 1970s Cup Shape: Countess, Montrose and Shelley Set of Six: Blue Taffeta, Green Damask, Grey Chiffon, Pink Brocade, Shot Silk, and Yellow Satin |
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Guinevere EST 1970s to 1980s Cup Shape: Mug |